Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 34: Points no point

I got a note from Enterprise today saying that have accrued points from my last rental period when I logged on, I saw points accrued. Today when I logged on, I saw no points rude. I think, maybe, they have decided that the replacement eat it is in place and no points for you.

I traveled in the soul for a hundred miles of nearly all highway and used 3.6 gallons of gas for an average efficiency of 28.5 miles per gallon. The fit is 162 inches long and the soul is about 163 inches long but the soul is much more upright and boxy and weighs about two or three hundred pounds more than the fit. Over life its lifetime it has achieved and average mpg of 33.2, and it's high on a highway trip was about 40 or 41 and this is with the high-revving manual transmission. The soul is quieter on the highway but the seats are a little  too contoured for my larger frame. The seating position is also super upright, it feels not unlike driving a truck. Tomorrow I'm driving either 350 or 700 miles depending on whether I want to make a crazy round trip or not and we'll see what that does to my seat and my back have I mentioned lately that I miss my Fit?

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