Sunday, March 27, 2016

Day 19 20 21: MIA

My math must be off by a little, or my schedule of posting is off, or something as this is really day 21, so even if yesterday I said Day 18, today is a 3 bagger. It's been three weeks since dropping off the Fit. I keep seeing references from others in and elsewhere about the Takaka inflator being available as early as next month, with always a caveat about maybe August. I think Honda is basically trying to not get anybody's hopes up, and will have the fix ready when it's ready, with older more humid environs getting first crack.

The Versa Note fits fine in the garage. Its nose is not as long as the Fit so front wheels stops are further forward than where I keep them with the Fit. Just got to remember to put them back in their original position when the Fit comes home or I'll smash into the laundry sink or shelving. The same problem of not knowing where the front of the car is exists in the Versa Note as in the Fit. On my Fit I drilled a 1/4 inch hole in the bumper bracket to mount a flag on a dowel for desperate days when I don't feel like parking by braille. It's pretty embarrassing to be seen mounting the flag on the front bumper so it's pretty rare that it happens, but darn helpful when I have to do it. As my mom says, "fun's fun til someone loses an eye," and it would be a shame if my Fit lost an eye.

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